
Movie Day

So we're supposed to watch Gulliver's Travel today, but as usual, nothing goes according to plan. If there's one thing I've learned from 20 years of living with my parents is NEVER EVER get my hopes up. Call it a Jinx if you may, personally, I think the Universe holds a grudge against me. Alright, going off topic here. So, back to my main point, I'm not a spontaneous person, so naturally I like to plan things. My parents on the other hand, suck at planning. They leave everything till the last minute. Sometimes its thrilling, but most of the time it's just plain annoying. So you see where I'm going here...We couldn't get tickets for Gulliver's Travel. We decided to watch Meet the Parents : Little Fockers, since mom and dad like Ben Stiller's movies. I gotta say, the movie is pretty good. We laughed our asses off throughout the entire movie. Very entertaining. I would recommend it to you guy who love a good laugh. Tomorrow is another big day. Stay tuned guys... 
Au Revoir... ;) 

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